Parish Renewal Program 2022

Last updated on 30 June 2022


THANK YOU for your response to our Parish Commitment Weekend – the final weekend of our Parish Renewal Program.

A special THANK YOU to all the parishioners who have already returned their completed pledge commitments and Groups & Ministries responses – either at Mass or to the Parish Office. Your support is very much appreciated!

If you have not yet done so, additional pledge cards are available at all Masses this weekend. Please place your completed commitment forms and Groups & Ministries forms in one of the collection baskets at Mass or return to the Parish Office by Tuesday 5 July. We will be following up by email and/or phone to confirm intentions from parishioners who have not yet responded – so to minimise that follow-up please ensure you complete and return your commitment this weekend (even if you are not in a position to increase your pledge).

Please note that your new pledges will take effect on Sunday 24 July. Confirmation letters, and where appropriate, new sets of envelopes, will be available at all Masses on the weekend of Sunday 17 July. We thank you once again for your generous response.

Fr John & the Program Leadership Team

“It is not enough to say we are Christians.
We must live the faith,
not only with our words, but with our actions.”
Pope Francis

Parish Commitment Weekend

We have considered our engagement in parish life. How our involvement in parish groups & ministries is central to building parish community – and central to actively living our faith through service to others.


What is the current state of our Planned Giving income?

  • Planned Giving is the major source of parish income
  • It has declined 40% in the last 8 years and 25% in the last 2 years – this must be turned around
  • We have identified we need to increase Planned Giving income from $2,400 to $3,500 per week

This is a BIG challenge – but can be achieved with the support of ALL parish families

What does my financial support go to?

  • The significant renovation planned for St John’s Church
  • Supporting our evangelisation, pastoral care and outreach programs
  • The operating costs of the parish – staff wages, insurance, utilities etc.

How much should I pledge?

  • We simply ask you contribute to the very best of your ability. How do you use your discretionary income?
  • How much is support of your parish and your priests a priority for you?
  • We unashamedly ask those with the greatest capacity to contribute the most – offering our special thanks for all those on restricted incomes whose continued support is very much appreciated.

How do I pledge?

  • Use the Commitment form from the Program brochure
  • Download the Commitment form from the parish website.
  • Use the printed Commitment form available at all Masses this weekend

Return your completed pledge at Mass this weekend – or to the Parish Office no later than Wed 29 June


Q:  Why do you think it is important to support our parish financially through our Planned Giving Program?

We value our parish, its beauty and its stability. It’s always there for our family and we want it to always be beautiful and thriving.  We particularly need that support NOW as we plan for the significant renovations for St John’s Church”

“It is very simple.  Our parish community has a financial component just as my family has a financial component.  Both need a defined and regular income to meet our current needs and plan with confidence for the future”

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