Last updated on 27 January 2022
Holy Orders gives the ordained person a sacred power in the name and authority of Christ and through the Holy Spirit, to serve the people of God.
There are three different orders or dimensions of ordination in the Catholic Church: bishop, priest and deacon.
In the Catholic Church, bishops and priests are obliged to celibacy, to remain unmarried. Married men may be ordained as deacons.
The bishop, who has the fullest of orders, has a three-fold ministry of prophet, priest and shepherd. As a prophet, the bishop speaks for God or on behalf of God. In his priestly role, the bishop has responsibility for the proper celebration of the liturgy and the sacraments in his diocese. As a shepherd, the bishop cares for all people in the diocese where he is appointed to serve, especially the poor and the suffering. The bishop’s staff (crosier) symbolises his role as spiritual shepherd of his flock.
A priest shares in the ministry of the bishop. The main roles of the priest are preaching, celebrating the sacraments and leadership for building up the community of the church. The priest is called to serve his people in word and in sacrament and by leadership after the model of our Lord.
The Order of Priesthood gives to the man ordained the office of offering the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist and of forgiving sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation. In and through the exercise of these ministries the ordained priest is further charged with celebrating the sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick.
Priesthood also embraces the exercise of spiritual leadership, the teaching of faith and morals, formation of lay leaders and whatever other duties are deemed necessary by his Bishop or Religious Superior.
A deacon is ordained to serve the church through ministry of word, worship, pastoral care and charity. A deacon may baptise, preach, officiate at marriages and funerals but cannot preside at Eucharist or give absolution. Before someone is ordained a priest, he is first ordained to the order of deacon. There are also what are called ‘permanent’ deacons who have been ordained and function as deacons who will not be ordained to the priesthood.
Deacons enjoy a special relationship with the Bishop. They serve as he directs. This may be in a parish, or anywhere the Bishop discerns a need. Deacons are called to carry Christ and the Gospel to their workplaces, places of relaxation and to the heart of their family life. The work of the Deacon has been described as being commissioned by the bishop to discern the needs of people, and bringing back word of needs to the diocesan and/or parish community. Deacons were in early times referred to as “the eyes and ears” of the bishop.
For further information on Vocations to the Priesthood, email Fr Duane Fernandez (Vocations Director) by clicking here.